



Free App.
From 2 (Linear Intepolation) to 6 points FREE.

For estimating experimental values, when it is impossible or even impracticable determine all values obtained by means of experiments.

This app does Linear Interpolation and much more.

No internet connection required. It works offline

Interpolation is one of the very old and basic techniques of numerical calculation.
Before the advent of computation, interpolation was widely used to calculate the values of transcendent functions.

In general we have only a table with values of such functions for a certain set of arguments and, when it was necessary

to calculate some value not tabulated, we resorted to the interpolation. Today, function interpolation is not used for

these purposes, because even the simplest calculators give us the values of trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential,

and other functions. To any value within the domain of definition of such functions.
Currently the interpolation is very used for other cases where it is really difficult to calculate the value of the function

or we still do not know the expression of the function, but we have a set of values that are usually obtained through experiments.
If you have any requests for additions / improvements, please post them
in comments and I will follow as much as possible.

The analytical expression of f (x) is not known, that is, it is known
only its value in some points. This situation occurs often in practice, when working with data and we need to

manipulate f (x) as, for example, calculate its value at a point, its integral in a given interval, etc.

It is extremely complicated and difficult to handle. Then, at Sometimes, it is interesting to sacrifice accuracy for

the simplification of calculations.

The requested permissions are necessary because there is a possibility of the PRO version (up to 12 points),

and you need to connect to the Internet for purchase.
Other permission is required for the Google Play purchase process called "Google Play Billing Service" (very secure).
Network connections need to be displayed because there is a need for access the network for connecting to the Internet.

If you find our free version helpful, help us make more apps free, by buying our paid version. Invest in us !!! we keep
with the sale of paid App, in the PRO versions. Apps of great quality,  believe.

Get down.

Problem: Find the corresponding value of y for a given x not belonging to the table.

A solution is to obtain the function that relates the variables x and y.
▪ Polynomials are the most used functions to determine this
relation (simple functions).
▪ Interpolator polynomial (IP): built to approximate a function.
▪ This is enough to evaluate the function at the desired point.
▪ The PI is not only useful in obtaining intermediate values ​​in tables, but: in the numerical integration, in the

calculation of equations and in solving ordinary differential equations.
▪ There are several methods for obtaining an IP from a set of data. The simplest scheme involves the solution

of an LS (Linear System).
No more need for a calculator to interpolate manually.
Runs on any android device.

The interface is very friendly.

Thinking about it is thought why not make an App that makes these accounts for us ?


Interpolate data from tables for:
Steam tables
Fluid mechanics
Cargo surveyors working, etc.

From 2 to 12 points paid.

Requires Android Ice Cream Sandwich version 4.0.3 or higher.

It is in the test phase, if any errors occur, please report in "comments" in the Play Store so that it is corrected quickly.

Get Down

To get this app, just search the Play Store for: education arruda Interpolator (always free).

Or by link (on the computer): Interpolator

Click Install, log in (on Google) and select your device. It will be installed when the device is connected to the Internet.

Or use the QR Code of your SmartPhone:

Click this link (through SmartPhone)

and you will be redirected to the Google Play Store page,

then just install normally.

The requested permissions are required because there is a possibility of the PRO version (12 points),

and you need to connect to the Internet for purchase.
Other permission is required for the Google Play purchase process called "Google Play Billing Service" (very secure).
Network connections need to be displayed because you need to access the network to connect to the Internet.

If you find our free version helpful, please help us to release more apps by buying our paid version. Invest in us !!! we keep
with the sale of paid App, in the PRO versions. Apps of great quality, believe me.

We managed to avoid the spread of Ads, advertisements, as they are very uncomfortable.

App use example video:

Or video YouTube: Video

Sample screens::

Sample screen with the App logo.

App Home Screen.

Screen with blank values.

Screen with filled data.

Screen with filled data and pressed the "Calculate" button, in this case, result: P1(2.0) = 5.0000000000.

Menu Version PRO.

PRO Version Sample Screen.

To exit the App just click the "Exit"

It has button to Clear the fields: Clear All and Menu button.

this app does interpolation of up to 12 points.

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Only do linear interpolation.

Requires many permissions, wants to know everything about you, about your device. Very invasive.

And it has advertisements too.